St. Louis Bankruptcy Center

The St. Louis Bankruptcy Center is your destination for the finest bankruptcy legal services available. Our friendly staff is determined to listen to your needs, treat you with respect and get you superior results. To learn more about the St. Louis Bankruptcy Center and how we get you the fresh financial start you deserve, read the attorney biographies below or visit the following links:

St. Louis Bankruptcy Professionals

Attorney Mike Toscano

Michael assists individuals, non-profits and businesses to overcome financial challenges and get back on their feet; or to liquidate and close their doors in an organized and ethical manner.  Much of his work involves representing debtors and creditors in cases under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.

Michael Toscano is the principal attorney for Ghafoor Cook LLC’s St. Louis office.  Michael’s practice areas include:

Areas of Practice

  • Debtor and Creditor Rights
  • Bankruptcy
  • Estate Planning
  • General Business Transactions

He is licensed to practice law in Missouri and the Southern District of Illinois.


Michael is a member of The Missouri Bar, the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, and the American Bankruptcy Institute.  He received a juris doctorate from Washburn University in Topeka, Kanas with an emphasis in business and transactional law.  He received his bachelor’s degree in history from Washington University in St. Louis.